Wednesday 23 March 2011

Student Education Loan Program Fund Nation

Cooperative Student Nation is a strategic partner of Putera Sampoerna Foundation, a social business institution that has the objective to improve the quality of education in Indonesia in order to print the nation's future leaders. Founded in 2010, the Student Nations is a cooperative dedicated to assisting Indonesian students are intelligent, character, have moral integrity and commitment to social justice, but comes from a limited financial background.

The Student Fund is financing assistance from the Cooperative Education Student Nations in the form of soft loans to continue their education in college Student Cooperative Nations partners, the Sampoerna School of Business and the Sampoerna School of Education. Student Education Loan Fund consists of funds Nations education and living expenses, are without collateral, and loan repayment process will begin after the borrower graduated from college and work. As a member of the Student Cooperative Nations, the borrower will also get guidance and self-development facilities and career development for college and at the time was working.

I. Basic Requirements

1. Indonesian Citizen high school graduate / vocational school or Madrasah or equivalent

2. Have signed up to the Sampoerna School of Business or Sampoerna
School of Education for the academic year 2011

3. Coming from a lower middle-income families

II. Registration Procedure

1. Sign on to Sampoerna School of Business or Sampoerna School
of Education

2. Sign on to fund programs Nations Students

3. Following a selection process conducted by Sampoerna
Sampoerna School of Business or School of Education, and Cooperative Students
Nation (consisting of academic selection, potential and financial evaluation)

For information on registration procedures in university partners, please visit the website Sampoerna School of Business at;
or contact Sampoerna School of Education at the address:
and hotline number: 08588-2349553.

For information and consultation about the program Student Fund
Nation, please contact: Email: / No free telephone
Pulse: 0-800-1-900-009 / No telephone: 021-5772340 (with Goddess / Ella / Fahmy)


Ella Cecilia

Program Officer - Student Cooperative Nation Putera Sampoerna

Sampoerna Strategic Square, North Tower 27th Fl

Jl. Kav.45 General Sudirman, Jakarta 12940

Phone: +62 21 5772340 / Fax: +62 21 5772341