Thursday 1 July 2010

E-Learning Conceptual

E-learning is a means of education that incorporates self-motivation, communication, efficiency, and technology. Because there is limited social interaction, students must keep themselves motivated. The isolation intrinsic to e-learning requires students to communicate with each other and the instructor frequently to accomplish their assigned tasks. E-learning is efficient as it eliminates distances and subsequent commutes. Distance is eliminated because the e-learning content is designed with media that can be accessed from properly equipped computer terminals, and other means of Internet accessible technology. E-learning is a flexible term used to describing a means of teaching through technology. The different types of e-learning are based on:
  • Means of communication  
  • Schedule  
  • E-learning class structure  
  • Technologies used  
Means of Communication
There are several different means for individuals to communicate with each other and their instructor. E-learning can be conducted solely through on-line applications. In other cases, if distance is not a factor, some face-to-face communication can be included to create blended e-learning. Blended e-learning includes elements of web interaction and in-person interaction. Technology broadens the definition of face-to-face as there can be the use of two way video, and two way audio. Introducing these elements of participation create a blended e-learning experience.

E-learning can either be Synchronous or Asynchronous. Synchronous means that real-time communication is implemented, such as video conferencing, teleconferencing, and on-line chat programs. Asynchronous indicates that other means of communication are utilized that do not require real time responses. Examples of asynchronous e-learning include; e-mail, list serves, threaded discussions, blogs, and on-line forums.

E-Learning Class Structure
E-learning class structure addresses how the instruction is administered. E-learning can be self-paced, instructor-led, or self-study with an expert. Self-paced instruction is administered by giving the learner the materials she needs to complete the training/instruction. Instructor-led training affords the learner a guide to implement the instruction. Self-study with an expert is a combination of self-paced and instructor-led. As in self-paced, the learner is responsible for staying on task and on schedule, however as in instructor-led, there is interaction with an authority figure that checks the learners' progress.

Technology used to implement instruction is not limited to web-based materials. E-learning can be achieved by utilizing any form of technology that sustains information yielding media. Video/Audio tape, aside from being an obsolete technology is a viable means to implement instruction. More current technology aids the learning experience because there are more means to convey the information. Technology is the most variable element in e-learning. The more advanced the technology becomes, the more options there are to further e-learning. The creation of the Internet subsequently created e-learning, as dial-up connections were replaced by cable modems, speed and bandwidth increased; correlatively the quality of on-line instruction improved because computers were able to support the media. As speed increases and devices become smaller and more mobile; training will become more flexible and further boost the growth and popularity of e-learning.