Monday 6 December 2010

Electronic ID Cards For Citizens of Indonesia

In 2012, all citizens of Indonesia can use identity cards (KTP) Electronics. This was disclosed the Head of the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), Marzan A Iskandar during a press conference at End of Year Notes Application of Technology in Indonesia, BPPT Building in Jakarta, Tuesday (29/12). Making Electronic ID Card is intended to facilitate activities related to the identity of citizens. Making Electronic ID cards are based on Law No. 22 of 2006 is far more sophisticated than ordinary ID card that we use today. Shaped like an ATM card. This ID card contains our fingerprints (biometrics) and stored in the chip Electronic Identity Card,''he explained to reporters this Electronic ID cards using a combination of technologies already developed Indonesia and technology from outside. For external use technology Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) for fingerprint technology. Electronic ID card is already used by several countries including China, Korea, and Singapore.

With Electronic ID cards, said Marzan, each resident will only have one ID card. ''So it can be used anywhere. Do not need a prolonged process. So serves to summarize the long-winded process,''he said.

Electronic ID cards are after launch will allow everything that berkitan with a person's identity, said Marzan. One of them in the general election activities. Electronic ID card policy is handled by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA). BPPT contribute in making software such as chips and content of ID cards. Also, card ID card rider. ''Includes creation of data base,''he said.

To make the ID cards will require funds that are not small. Funds expended to reach Rp 6 trillion. Design of Electronic Identity Card has been made since 2009 this year and already submitted to the Ministry of Home Affairs. Electronic Identity Card Project will begin 2010 and are expected to be completed in 2012.

Electronic ID cards are currently being tested in six districts namely in Padang, Denpasar, Makassar, Yogyakarta, Jambrana, and Cirebon. Preliminary results good''. December 31, me and the Minister of Home Affairs will check to Bali,''he said.

Electronic ID cards will be given to citizens who are aged 17 years. The new ID card should also be updated every five years. Meanwhile, for children under the age of 17 years will get a card Main Number of Population (NIK). ''So since they already have a NIK birth to death, one person, one number,''he said.

Technology imports
Meanwhile, Marzan also revealed that there are no symptoms of de-industrialization in Indonesia. This reflected the reality of the domestic industry to use 92 percent of technology imports. BPPT Study''based on data from 1975 to 2007 it still presents a picture of 2009, in which the beneficiary is the smallest local technology industry,''he said.

According to him, the utilization of local technology sector contributed the largest transportation and communications technology which contributes 15 percent of its local technology. The rest was imported, for example from Japan, U.S., South Korea, to China, he said.

Marzan said, economic growth has three factors, namely capital, labor and technology, and Indonesia is still one of the countries that contribute the technology component of economic growth was quite low. ''On average contribution of technology in economic growth of only 1.69 percent. That means that Indonesia is still relying on factor-driven economy, not to Innovation-driven economy,''he said.

Causes of local technology was used in the country according to the study, namely because it is not applicable, compliance with the technology demands slow, bureaucratic obstacles, not according to market demands, and because there is distrust of technology in the country.